2 Kings 17; Titus 3; Hosea 10; Psalm 129-131
In general people say that I am a very patient person. There are times in my heart that I know I am not-not when my heart strongly desires the answer to a specific prayer. Time after time this year the answer seems to be “wait.” I do not like waiting, and in all honestly I do not understand why in this particular case I have to continue to wait-I want to move on from this particular issue-I want to get on with life. I want the person I am praying for to be able to get on with life instead of being stuck in this limbo of waiting. But God knows what He is doing-and what seems like being stuck here is His very plan for this situation. Psalm 130: 5-6 is where I find my rest this morning. “I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in His word I hope; my soul waits for the LORD more than the watchman for the morning.” I have never been a watchman waiting for the morning, but I can imagine that he longs for the morning when he can be relieved of his intense watching of the night. I imagine he longs for a peaceful night to pass, and pass quickly. I imagine he may even need to pray that he stays awake through the night. My waiting should be something even more than this-and rather than focused on the solution to this circumstance I need to focus my attention on God’s word, I need to wait for Him-not to act necessarily, though that is certainly a part of my current waiting-but for the LORD Himself. After all, my hope is not in this world and an agreeable solution to the problem being faced, my hope is in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
My hope is found in the steadfast love of God, and in His mercy and grace. As Paul writes to Titus in chapter 3 I too was once a foolish, disobedient, etc child (v. 3) “But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to His own mercy…so that being justified by His grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life” and because we believe in God, Paul further insists that we “need to be careful to devote ourselves to good works. These things are excellent and profitable for people.” As I continue to wait, I will be careful to devote myself to good works and to continue to read God’s word. I guess one could say these are the tasks of the watchman who is waiting for the Lord. The one who is looking for His coming and setting right all things.
Grace, peace, and mercy,