Today's Bible Reading:
Genesis 13:5-15:21; Matthew 5:27-48; Psalm 6:1-10; Proverbs 1:29-33
Today I am mulling over a passage that of course is quite familiar, but it hit me in a new way this morning as I read it. Matthew 5:43-48.
The NLT translates verse 45 this way: "In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven." Acting as a true child of my Father in heaven. Isn't that exactly what I want to do with my life? As I read these verses about loving your enemy I was struck by the thought that we have the perfect example of that in Jesus to follow. He is the demonstration of what it means to love your enemies. Romans 5:10 and Colossians 1:21 both speak about our previous relationship to God. He came to earth while we were His enemies. "This includes you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions." (Col. 1:21, NLT) That my friends is love! That is who God is! And if I am indeed a child of God, bought with His blood, saved by His grace, how can I do any less than love "my enemies?" Oh, but it is something I know I cannot do just by deciding to do it. I pray to have God's heart for people. To see them as He sees them. Do I look at my "enemies" and consider that I could be that light in the world they need to see so that they too are no longer enemies but friends.