Numbers 30; Psalm 74; Isaiah 22: 2 Peter 3
As Peter closes his second letter he reminds his readers to be patient as they wait or the coming of the Lord. He basically tells them that the God is not being slow to fulfill His promise, but rather He is being patient. This verse always seems to grab my attention, “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” I love the thought expressed that God does not wish any to perish, but this morning this verse is striking me in a different way. It is His patience, that has caught my attention- God is patient toward you. Now if only I could exhibit that same patience with God. I get impatient for Him to act upon my requests, I get impatient for Him to remove suffering, to remove sickness, to bring loved ones to repentance-and He well knows my impatience. This morning it is like He is whispering in my ear to let His patience be my guide, to be patient as He is patient-in essence to trust that God knows what He is doing so trust Him to do it in His perfect time. I will probably do much better with this in the next couple of days as God’s word remains fresh on the subject, but after that I have the feeling I will be fretting once again-no wonder Peter had to write this letter as a reminder to be patient.
The other aspect of this passage in 2 Peter that I appreciate is the focus Peter and His readers placed on the promise of the Lord’s second coming. I get the impression that this was not some occasional fancy they gave thought too, but rather something that was more at the forefront of their lives then my own. I think about it every once in a while, but I have to confess my impatience does no stem from being impatient for the Lord’s return, bur rather the here and now of daily living. Hmmm…
With all of this in mind I close my time with these words of closing words of Peter as my prayer: That I may grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen
Grace, peace, and mercy,