Today’s Bible Reading:
Genesis 11:1-13:4; Matthew 5:1-26; Psalm 5:1-12; Proverbs 1:24-28
We still live in a world of darkness. We don’t have to spend much time confirming that is true. So what does it mean to be the light of the world? I guess the short answer; it means I let the Light of Christ shine through. And in a sense isn’t that what Jesus did for us-He is the Light of the World because, He spoke for God the Father, He was sent from God the Father and He returned to God the Father, He is one with God the Father. His authority was not an earthly one, but it came directly from God. If I, being made into the image of Christ…if I am the bearer of His image does this not give me boldness to be a light of the world? To shine in the darkness with the light of Jesus? To proclaim His message of grace to all? As I begin to walk in this new year that is my prayer. That I will not hide my light but place myself in such a way as to give light to all those around me. And I do this not for my own glory-for neither did Jesus seek to glorify Himself but rather to glorify God the Father who is in heaven. To Him be the glory.