Genesis 17; Matthew 16; Nehemiah 6; Acts 16: Proverbs 16
My theme for the year continues in Proverbs this morning.
“How much better it is to get wisdom than gold!
And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver.” -Proverbs 16:16, NASB
“He who gives attention to the word will find good,
And blessed is he who trusts in the LORD.” -Proverbs 16:20, NASB
It is easy to say that I seek the treasure found only in Jesus Christ, that it is more valuable to me than silver or gold, more valuable than anything else I might possess. But where does my heart truly lie? What am I chasing after while I am here on earth? When I look at my day yesterday did I value other things more highly than spending time sitting at Jesus feet as I read God’s Word? And I must confess that I did. Most of my day was made up being spent with people and it was good, but when the evening came and I was provided time to myself I chose to pull out my computer and check out Facebook and then play a couple of games I enjoy. I told myself I was too tired to concentrate on God’s Word, but honestly, I just chose poorly because I was centered on myself and not on the treasure that I seek. And had I spent time in God’s Word first I still would have had plenty of time of those other things.
Yesterday is gone, the past is put behind me and I start today with fresh for His mercies are new every morning.
Grace, peace, and mercy,