Genesis 24; Matthew 23; Nehemiah 13; Acts 23: Proverbs 23
One the books I picked up to read for this years Reading Challenge is called, Pharisectomy: How to Joyfully Remove Your Inner Pharisee and Other Religiously Transmitted Diseases by Peter Haas so naturally when I read Matthew 23 I took notice. Usually I just kind of pass over Jesus’ warnings about the Pharisees-thankful I am not like them. This time, however, I am making note of what it was about the Pharisees that we were warned about. I guess I could call the following a list of what not to do as I live my life here on earth.
Don’t be like the Pharisees:
1-They say things and do not do them-placing on others heavy burdens they are not willing to carry themselves. (v. 3 and 4)
2-They do their deeds to be noticed by men, showing off with outward adornment and seeking places of honor. (v. 5 and 6)
3-They shut off the kingdom of heaven from people. (v. 13)
4-They are hypocrites and make converts “twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.” (v. 15)
5-They are blind guides and fools, not understanding that they give honor to things rather than to the One who sanctifies those things. (v 16-22)
6-They neglect justice, mercy, and faithfulness while giving their tithe. (v. 23)
7- They strain out a gnat while swallowing a camel (v. 24)
8-They clean the outside to look good while inside they are full of robbery and self-indulgence. (v. 25)
9-They are whitewashed tombs-appearing beautiful on the outside but full of dead bones and uncleanness inside. Outwardly appearing righteous, but inwardly full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
10-They give honor to the prophets of old and declare that they would never have killed them as their fathers did. And yet they will scourge, kill, and crucify the prophets God sends to them.
That is quite a list, do I have the courage to face and eradicate the Pharisee that may be lurking in me?
Grace, peace, and mercy,