Today's Bible Reading: Genesis 18-21:7
At dawn the next morning the angels became insistent. “Hurry,” they said to Lot. “Take your wife and your two daughters who are here. Get out right now, or you will be swept away in the destruction of the city!”
When Lot still hesitated, the angels seized his hand and the hands of his wife and two daughters and rushed them to safety outside the city, for the Lord was merciful. When they were safely out of the city, one of the angels ordered, “Run for your lives! And don’t look back or stop anywhere in the valley! Escape to the mountains, or you will be swept away!”
“Oh no, my lord!” Lot begged. “You have been so gracious to me and saved my life, and you have shown such great kindness. But I cannot go to the mountains. Disaster would catch up to me there, and I would soon die. See, there is a small village nearby. Please let me go there instead; don’t you see how small it is? Then my life will be saved.”
“All right,” the angel said, “I will grant your request. I will not destroy the little village. But hurry! Escape to it, for I can do nothing until you arrive there.” -Genesis 19:15-22a-NLT
First of all, Lot hesitated. Do I do that? The Lord has indeed rescued me from an eternity of torment, do I hesitate to do what He says is necessary...in essence to follow Him? To obey His commands? The angels had to literally grab Lot and his family by their hands and drag them out of town...because "the Lord was merciful." That is our salvation story is it not? The Lord has taken us by the hand to lead us away from death into life because He is merciful.
And then there is the "but." Lord, I can't go there, I can't do that. Instead would you please allow me to go over here instead. It's just a little town of no consequence. I cannot be too hard on Lot for I hear my own voice far too often in his words. My version goes something like this: "Lord, Your way looks really hard, couldn't I just go over here instead. It looks warm and inviting and I will be safe there." I will be safe there. Is there anyplace that is safer to be than in the Lord's will? O, ye of little faith.